
Document Formatting Syntax

Newton supports many types of document formatting through the use of a simple markup language. The markup language is easy to learn so that you can start formatting your documents very quickly. This page contains a description of all formatting supported by Newton. Each description will consist of both the wiki syntax needed for that formatting, and the formatted result.

Basic Text Formatting

Newton supports bold, monospaced, italic, strikethrough, and underlined text. These can also be done in combination!

Newton supports **bold**, ''monospaced'', //italic//, <del>strikethrough</del>, and __underlined__ text. These can also be done in **//__combination__//**!

You can also make subscripts and superscripts!

You can also make <sub>subscripts</sub> and <sup>superscripts</sup>!

Unordered and Ordered Lists

Both ordered (ie. numbered) and unordered (ie. bulleted) lists are supported. Start a line with a # to add a ordered item and a * to add an unordered item. The number of #'s or *'s starting the line determines the level of the item in the list. For example,

* First level unordered item 1
* First level unordered item 2
** This is a second level item
* First level item 3

Produces this output:

Similarly, for an ordered list,

# First level ordered item 1
# First level ordered item 2
## This is a second level item
# First level item 3

Produces this output:

  1. First level ordered item 1
  2. First level ordered item 2
    1. This is a second level item
  3. First level item 3

Headings or Sections

Newton supports up to five levels of headings. Start a line with = for a first level heading, == for a second level heading, === for a third level, and so on.
= Heading 1
Some text.
== Heading 2
Some more text.
=== Heading 3
And so on...

Heading 1

Some text.

Heading 2

Some more text.

Heading 3

And so on...

Internal and External Links

Links can be created to other Newton pages or to webpages on the Internet. Internal links can be created by simply typing a word in "camelcase" format. Like this, NewtonHome. If the wiki page that the link points to exists, it will appear green like the case of NewtonHome. Otherwise it will appear red like NonExistantPage.

You can make external links like this or like this (http://www.pygtk.org).

You can make external links like [[http://www.pygtk.org|this]] or like this ([[http://www.pygtk.org]]).

Email is simple too! An email link is as easy as this dcraven or this dcraven@gmail.com.

Email is simple too! An email link is as easy as this [[dcraven@whatever.com|dcraven]] or this [[dcraven@whatever.com]].

Embedded Images

Both local images and remote (on the Internet) images can be embedded into your documents easily with a simple syntax. There is also a GUI dialog available in the edit screen to make it even easier!

For example, if you are connected to the Internet right now, you should see the Google logo to the right of this text.

To embed this image, I used the following syntax:

{{ http://www.google.ca/intl/en_ca/images/logo.gif}}
Notice the space to the left of the URL where there is none on the right side in the above example? That means that we want the image to "float right". With this syntax, the image will appear on the right side of the document while the text neatly wraps around it. Think of it like this; there is a space on the left, because the image has been shoved to the right. The same works to make the image "float left" by simply putting the space on the right.

If you want the image to appear centered in your document, put a space on both sides like this:

{{ http://www.google.ca/intl/en_ca/images/logo.gif }}
And now the image appears centered.

That image appears smaller though because I also used the simple image scaling syntax. The syntax that I used for the centered image looks like this:

{{ http://www.google.ca/intl/en_ca/images/logo.gif?200 }}
Notice the "?200" part after the URL? This means that you want the image to appear 200 pixels wide, and scale the height automatically so that the image doesn't look stretched. If you do want to stretch the image, you can specify both width and height like this:

{{ http://www.google.ca/intl/en_ca/images/logo.gif?500x50 }}

That means you want the image to be scaled to 500 pixels wide by 50 pixels high.

Locally stored (images on your own computer) can be embedded as well. Just specify the local path to the image file instead of a URL. For example, I could enter:

{{ /home/dcraven/newton.png }}

And that would display the image called newton.png, centered in my document. The same scaling and positioning syntax that applied for remote images still applies exactly the same way for local images.

Embedding Other Media Files

Newton can also embed links to other types of media files such as mp3, pdf, word processor documents, or even plain text documents. When you click on the embedded link, the document will be opened using your default viewer.

To embed a PDF file called myfile.pdf, simply put the file's path between sets of double curly braces. Just like we did with images. For example,


If the file does not exist in the location specified, it will be red (like the one above) and Newton will tell you the file doesn't exist when you click on it. Otherwise it will appear in grey. You can also give the link a name in case you don't want the whole file path to appear in your document.

My PDF File
{{/home/dcraven/myfile.pdf|My PDF File}}

Miscellaneous Formatting